
What Do African Dwarf Frogs Eat in the Wild & As Pets?


First discovered in equatorial Africa in 1896, the aquatic非洲矮人青蛙didn’t start becoming popular in the pet trade until the 1970’s. They have become increasingly popular as pets due to their low maintenance care requirements.

非洲矮人青蛙很小,重量只有几盎司,长度仅达到3英寸。他们的预期寿命通常在3 - 10年之间,平均约5年。

这些小小的两栖动物一生都在水中度过,只浮出水面才能呼吸。这些青蛙不能花费大量时间从水中花费,因为它们会在短时间内脱水并死亡。 divider- frog

Diet of a Wild African Dwarf Frog

During Africa’s dry seasons they are found in the shallows of rivers, creeks, and ponds. They also inhabit the flooded areas of forest during the wet seasons.


African Dwarf Frogs have what is called a hyobranchial pump that is designed to draw food into their mouths. They use their webbed feet to shove food in their mouths and down their throats.

They can sense movements and vibration in the water with their unique later line system. Their tiny but powerful legs are used for swimming and lunging after food. They have claws on their feet that are used to tear apart pieces of larger food.

Tiny, sensitive fingers, a keen sense of smell, and their lateral line system are used in conjunction to help the African Dwarf Frog find food.

Diet and Feeding of a Pet African Dwarf Frog

African Dwarf Frogs are a pet that is to be seen and not handled. They are fragile little creatures that can make a great addition to your aquarium. You will want to research the best types of tank mates suitable to share habitat with the frogs.

African Dwarf Frogs will eat off the bottom of the aquarium. Since they don’t have teeth they are required to swallow their food whole. For this reason, you must ensure that your frog’s food is of appropriate size.

As scavengers, African Dwarf Frogs will eat a variety of food.

Below are some examples of what your pet frog can eat:
  • 盐水虾
  • Bloodworms
  • Krill
  • 蠕虫
  • Small live fish
  • Commercial frog foods

Though they are omnivores, African Dwarf Frogs prefer a more meat-based diet. There are a variety of pellet-based foods available that will envelope the basis of their diet.

If you choose the pellet-based diet, you can always opt to give them the occasional earthworm, brine shrimp, or bloodworm as a treat.

You have the option feed them live or frozen food, most of their food preferences can be found frozen or live.

Young African Dwarf Frogs should be fed once a day, as they age, they can be fed once every two days. Try not to over feed your frogs, this can lead to obesity.

It is vital to feed them appropriately sized bites of food and to only feed them what they can easily consume within 10-20 minutes. Any food left uneaten will need to be removed from the tank.

Featured Image Credit: Charlie Tyack, Shutterstock



