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Dog Diarrhea & Vomiting: Caring for Your Pup

胃肠炎是一个术语,指的是你的狗的胃和肠炎的炎症,这两者都是胃肠道的一部分。万博matext手机官网胃肠炎的狗全天都会在周期性发作中具有呕吐和腹泻。有two different typesof gastroenteritis: acute and chronic. With acute gastroenteritis, symptoms appear suddenly; with chronic gastroenteritis, symptoms can occur over multiple weeks, months, and in some cases, years. Your dog may not experience both diarrhea and vomiting; sometimes, dogs will experience only diarrhea. Occasionally a dog with gastroenteritis will experience vomiting with no diarrhea, but if this is the case, your vet may call itgastritisinstead.

Typically, dogs suffering from gastroenteritis will be disinterested in food and may be lethargic. Their vomit may be yellowish, the color of your dog’s stomach bile, and their diarrhea will have a very soft consistency, like that of soft-serve ice cream. A dog with gastroenteritis can become dehydrated quickly if symptoms continue for more than 24 hours.

If your dog is vomiting, having diarrhea, or both, you are probably worried about your furry friend and wondering what to do. There are many possible causes of gastroenteritis. Taking note of the severity of your dog’s diarrhea or vomiting and trying to narrow down the cause will help determine the best course of action for treatment. In this article, we will discuss the possible causes of your dog’s vomiting and diarrhea, as well as potential treatment options.

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Dog vomit in the living room
Image Credit: A-photographyy, Shutterstock

有many possible reasons why a dog may be suffering from vomiting and diarrhea. Essentially anything that changes your dog’s microbiome can lead to problems. We have listed some common causes of gastroenteritis in dogs, but this list may not be exhaustive.


Certain viruses, such as theParvovirus.,可引起狗的呕吐和腹泻。万博matext手机官网为了帮助防止您的狗感染有可能导致腹泻和呕吐等严重症状的病毒,确保您的狗的疫苗接种是最新的。


有many different types of肠道寄生虫这可能会影响你的狗。常见的寄生虫倾向于引起腹泻和呕吐是钩虫,蛔虫和绦虫。如果您的狗有肠道寄生虫,通常可以在您的狗的粪便中识别。


Intussusceptionis when your dog’s intestine collapses as a result of a blockage. Signs of intussusception include vomiting and diarrhea, as well as dehydration, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, and weight loss.

4.Foreign Objects


Black dog vomiting
Image Credit: Mumemories, Shutterstock

5.Poisoning or Toxins

If your dog begins to vomit suddenly, and especially if your dog’s vomit or stool contains blood, it could be a sign that he has ingested something toxic. Contact your vet or emergency vet immediately if you think your dog has eaten something poisonous.


Intestinal problems in your dog could be a sign ofEN.docrine diseasessuch as diabetes or hyperthyroidism. If your dog is overweight, diabetes could be the culprit. Check with your vet to make sure your dog is properly diagnosed.





Now that you know some of the potential causes of vomiting and diarrhea in dogs, let’s break down the different options for treatment.


dog eating_dmytro Zinkevych, Shutterstock
Image Credit: dmytro Zinkevych, Shutterstock

Not all cases of diarrhea and vomiting are serious. In mild cases, you may want to try some home remedies before rushing your dog to the vet. If your dog is vomiting,尝试扣食食物约12-14小时。在这次初始期之后,您可以在慢慢将食物重新倾诉到您的狗的饮食中。虽然你是扣留的食物,但请确保你的狗仍然有足够的水。

For diarrhea, you could try giving your dog a bland diet of boiled chicken and white rice. If your dog’s stools start returning to normal, you can begin slowly reintroducing his normal dog food into his diet. You could also try giving him medication for diarrhea or probiotics to see if his stools improve.

Visiting the Vet





Other health issues to look out for:

Featured Image Credit: Mumemories, Shutterstock




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