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豌豆是许多家庭中的常见食物,因为它们是廉价的,并配有各种各样的菜肴,所以想知道我们的狗还健康,也很常见。万博matext手机官网The short answer is yes. Your dog can eat peas, and they can be very healthy. However, there are a few ways you shouldn’t feed them.Keep reading while we go over the benefits of eating peas, as well as any health risks that might be present. We’ll also discuss the best way to feed peas and how often you should provide them.


Are Peas Bad For My Dog?

dog food with peas
Image Credit: New-Africa, Shutterstock

Canned Peas



While pea pods can be a tasty addition to a human meal or salad, they are a potential choking hazard for your dog. Smaller dog breeds are more at risk of choking, but it can occur in any size dog, so we recommend sticking to only the pea fruit and leaving the pods for humans.


Peas contain purines which turn intouric acid需要被肾脏过滤,尿酸过多会导致肾结石。万博matext手机官网由于它们所包含的嘌呤,患有肾脏疾病的狗应该避免吃豌豆,但健康的狗不应该经历任何问题。



Credit: Adam Wheater, Unsplash


Peas contain plenty of vitamins and minerals that are essential to your pet’s health and well-being. Vitamins like A, B, and K help boost the immune system, improve eyesight, and allow blood clotting. Minerals like iron, zinc, potassium, and magnesium help your dog’s body develop properly.



Peas are a great source of protein, and many dog food brands add them for that reason. It’s an inexpensive way to provide your pet with energy and the building blocks for strong muscles. Most experts recommend feeding your dog a diet that contains at least 18%protein, so any foods that contain protein will help you reach that goal.


Peas are high in fiber which can help your dog stay regular and less likely to experience constipation and diarrhea. Fiber will also help your dog feel full longer, and it will be less likely to look for snacks between meals.

Low Sugar


Image Credit: Pixabay

How Do I Feed Peas to My Dog?

We recommend feeding freshly grown peas that you’ve grown in your garden. If you don’t have a garden, you can purchase fresh beans in the grocery store. In either case, you will need to remove the peas from the pod and discard it. You can feed your pet a bowl of peas, or you can mix it into their regular food so it can get the health benefits. As long as your pet doesn’t have kidney disease, you don’t need to worry about how much you feed, and you can provide it as often as you want. Frozen peas make a great treat on a hot summer day.



We recommend adding peas to your pet’s diet as long as its kidneys are healthy. There is no limit to how much it can eat or how often. If they eat too many in one sitting, the high fiber content could cause your pet to experience mild diarrhea. If you notice loose stools, we recommend cutting back on the peas for a few days.

We hope you have enjoyed reading over this discussion about the safety of this popular dog food ingredient. If we have added a new food to your pet’s diet, please share this guide to feeding your dog peas on Facebook and Twitter.

Featured Image Credit: Pixabay




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